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Darren Gilkison

Spotlight on Emergency First Response

No one ever expects or wants to deal with an accident but life tends to throw these at you at the most inconvenient and unexpected times... one incident I dealt with was at the checkout in Welcome of all places, a woman collapsed in front of me and was not breathing, unfortunately not swooned by my magnetic charms - would you know what to do?

CPR and First Aid skills are not only essential in the unlikely event of a diving accident but also great life skills to have full stop! The Emergency First Response Courses offer a convenient and fun way to learn these skills in a friendly environment focused on your specific needs.

Over the years many of our students have told us of similar experiences - a great feeling knowing you helped someone, when they needed it!

Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) Course

Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) teaches participants how to respond to life-threatening emergencies. The course focuses on primary care through a combination of knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice to make sure participants have the confidence in their ability to provide care when emergency situations arise.

Primary Care (CPR) skills taught in this course:

  • Scene Safety Assessment

  • Universal Precautions - Communicable Disease Protection, including barrier use

  • Primary Assessment

  • Chest Compressions

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  • Serious Bleeding

  • Shock Management

  • Spinal Injury Management

  • Conscious and Unconscious Obstructed Airway Management

  • Automated External Defibrillation (AED) use

Emergency First Response Secondary Care (First Aid) Course

Emergency First Response Secondary Care (first aid) covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life threatening. Participants focus on secondary assessment and first aid through knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice. Secondary Care skills taught in this course:

  • Injury Assessment

  • Illness Assessment

  • Bandaging

  • Splinting

Emergency First Response Care For Children Course

In addition to many of the Primary and Secondary Care skills, the Care for Children Courses includes the following additional skills:

  • CPR for children

  • CPR for infants

  • Choking for children

  • Choking for infants

  • AED use for children

It is possible to complete any or all of these courses within one day.

In case you were wondering the woman in Welcome made a full recovery and the simple act of opening her airway was all that was needed to get her breathing again...

You can book here or contact us for more information.

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